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Inlays & Onlays

If you have a larger filling, or perhaps a broken cusp on a tooth, we may want to consider a porcelain inlay or onlay. These restorations are a simple and effective treatment, and in some cases are an excellent alternative to a complete crown. 

An inlay is used similarly to a traditional filling, but is fabricated indirectly by a lab technician. An onlay is necessary for a significant reconstruction, where it extends out over one or more cusps of the tooth.


2 Appointments:


During your first visit, the damage tooth is cleaned and prepared for the impression. Then with a putty-like material, we take an impression of the tooth to send to our lab technician to uniquely create an inlay or onlay for your tooth. We will fabricate a temporary filling for your tooth for protection before your final visit.


At your second appointment, your custom inlay or onlay is ready to be placed on the damaged tooth. We will make sure that the fit and esthetics is approved and will cement it permanently. 

Our team at Augusta Family Dentistry will be happy to help answer any questions or concerns you may have about inlays, onlays, or dental concerns.